Opening Doors in Seaside
As of 1/30/2018 the program has been canceled until further notice.
For Latino parents with children in grade school or younger:
Opening doors is a 10 week program for Latino parents with children in grade school or younger, who wish to learn how to support and advocate for their children’s education. The class will take place at the elementary school, The Heights in Seaside, beginning in January and in Spanish only. Some themes that will be discussed include, child early development, preparing for school, good health, socio-emotional and economic well-being, parenting styles, and much more.
Dates: Tuesday nights, starting January 16th to March 13th, 2018.
Time: Dinner at 6:00 PM, class 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Location: Heights Elementary Library 2000 Spruce Drive, Seaside, Oregon 97138
Dinner and childcare will be provided.
The class will be led by Nayeli Cruz and Paula Bartheld, from the Lower Columbia Hispanic Council.
For more information, contact:
Nayeli Cruz, Consejo Hispano 503-325-4547 nayeli@consejohispano.org
Thanks to our sponsors: