Juntos Program: Astoria, Warrenton & Seaside
Spring 2019
A program created in Spanish for Latino families!
Juntos is a free program that gives Latino families the knowledge and resources necessary to succeed academically and create goals for their future. Participants can also be part of a Juntos club at their school, attend college visits, monthly activities, and more.
The future of higher education is promising and rewarding, giving everyone the chance to find a solid field and equal opportunities. The program includes food and care of young children while students and their parents or family interested in supporting them participate in the workshop.
The workshops take place once a week, on Mondays, for 6 weeks. ONLY TWO HOURS A WEEK! During each workshop we discuss important topics, each workshop is different, and each one provides supportive information and materials.
For more information please visit the following webpage: http://opencampus.oregonstate.edu/programs/juntos/
Information session for Warrenton High School students:
Monday, April 1st, 11:40am at Warrenton High School
Information session for Astoria High School students:
Thursday, April 4, 8:10am at Astoria High School
Information session for Astoria Middle School students (8th grade):
Monday, April 1st, 2:00pm at Astoria Middle School
Information session for parents (Seaside):
Tuesday, March 19th, 6:00pm at Seaside High School
Information session for parents (Astoria/Warrenton):
Monday, April 8th, 6:00pm at Warrenton Grade School
Tentative Schedule (Astoria/Warrenton):
April 15th, April 22nd, April 29th, May 6th, May 13th, & May 20th
Tentative Schedule (Seaside):
April 2nd, April 9th, April 16th, April 23rd, April 30th, May 7th
*Free Dinner
(Astoria/Warrenton) For questions and registration contact:
Rosa Gilbert
Warrenton Family Liason
Andrea Gonzalez
Lower Columbia Hispanic Council
(503) 325-4547
(Seaside) For questions and registration contact:
Sande Brown, Curriculum/Title III Director
Seaside High School
(503) 738-5591
Ryan Stanley
Juntos Coordinator
(503) 325-8573