Consejo Hispano Welcomes the New Executive Director!
Jenny Pool Radway has been named the new executive director of the Lower Columbia Hispanic Council, replacing Jorge Gutierrez who resigned in July for another position in Washington State. Pool Radway comes to Astoria from Denver, Colorado where she founded and directed Diverse Communities LLC. Her company designed and implemented programs for international and national organizations to increase capacity for building and implementing diversity and inclusion strategies while addressing systemic and institutional inequity. She has in-depth experience working with immigrant communities while working in the mental health field as well as the 2020 Census preparation. Born and raised in Costa Rica, Pool Radway has degrees in Spanish and Political Science from Ripon College, a Master’s Degree in Human Services from Capella University and is currently a Master’s in Latin American Economics and Politics candidate from the Universidad de Salamanca in Spain. She has worked primarily in non-profits throughout her career.
Rocio Simmons, co-president of the board of directors for the Lower Columbia Hispanic Council said that Pool Radway stood out to the board “not only because of her ample experience working as a community leader, but also because she is bilingual and bicultural and possesses the necessary skills to manage a non profit dedicated to help the Latinx community.” The board brought Pool Radway to visit the area and the Latinx community prior to the offer of employment. Community businesses, such as the Hotel Elliott, offered services gratis to Pool Radway during her visit in September to help the Council make the visit possible.
Pool Radway is excited about her new position and the move to the new community: “I am honored and excited to have the opportunity to serve the Lower Columbia Hispanic Council. The Hispanic Council is poised to really develop its vision and build on the tremendous momentum of recent years.” Pool Radway added that she looks forward to “being a part of this effort, supporting and uplifting our members, and making a positive difference for the Latinx community of the Oregon coast.”
Maritza Romero, the Family Engagement Specialist for the Hispanic Council, served as the interim director after Gutierrez departed in July. Craig Hoppes, another board member of the Hispanic Council, emphasized how grateful the board is to her service during the interim. “We appreciate the dedication and work that Maritza Romero did during the hiring process for the new director. Her work with her staff and the community has only made the Lower Columbia Hispanic Council stronger.” Hoppes added the that the board looks forward to Maritza’s continued effort to support the Hispanic community.